Happy first day of Spring!
I have to show you a super cute and super fast project I made for Lily. For a while Miss Boo would watch me put my makeup on every morning and be thrilled when I gave her a brush to play with. I wanted to give her some makeup to play with too, but I didn't want her actually putting anything on her face, so here is my version of faux makeup.
Start with a trip to Target, or you know just start your Tuesday off like you normally do, and you will end up at Target anyway.
I bought a bunch of cheap makeup and nail polish (I think the most expensive thing I bought was $3) and some brushes. The makeup that you're getting doesn't really matter because you will be getting rid of it, you only need the case it's in. The nail polish should be in colors you would want to use for your face, cheeks, and eyes.
I used a knife to score the makeup until it got really crumbly and then just threw it out. You could also do this project with old makeup containers that you have. Two of the eye shadows that I used were my old ones that only had a little bit left, so Lily has some MAC and Lorac because no one should have only drugstore makeup in their kit.
When you have all the makeup out of the case, wash them out and rinse them until you have squeaky clean empty cases.

You then simply take the nail polish color that you want and pour it into the empty case. I had a nude color for "bronzer" a light pink for "blush" and green, blue, and a metallic silver (for hitting the baby night life scene) for eyes. The cleaning out the case and the pouring of the nail polish took about five minutes each, so at this point its only a 10 minute project. I left the makeup to dry over night with a window open, and the next day they had dried and shrunk. The color wasn't coming up to the top of the case so I added the nail polish a second time. The pink nail polish was almost empty so I cleaned the brush off with some acetone, and left the bottle open to dry up as well. I realized that letting it dry inside was a huge mistake because it stank to the level of 10 nail salons combined, so I brought it out and left it on my porch with a colander covering it. I wanted it to dry without any gross things getting stuck inside. I left it outside for a week so it would really air out. It still has a very faint smell of nail polish but I figure its not dangerous and its ok to play with.
With the addition of one of those free sample makeup cases, I'd say Lily has herself a sweet beginning to playing with makeup.
And she loves it! She's been playing with it for about a week now, and she couldn't be more smitten. We've all had countless makeovers and manicures from her, and "makeup!" is now her number one request.
In about 12 years or so, when she needs to know about real makeup, I'll be sending her to my sister. I'm a one eyeliner, two lipsticks, and face powder kind of girl, while my sister can go on for hours about the pros and cons of the Naked Palette 1, 2, and 3. We all have our own talents.
This was a fast, easy, and cheap project, but if you think your daughter would like faux makeup, and you don't want to make any,
this is an adorable option from Amazon. I kind of want it for myself.