Life is hectic. There's school for the little kids, work for the big kids adults, and things like cooking dinner, and teaching your almost six year old how to tie his shoes, that keeps you constantly busy. But there's no reason you can't have some sparkly fun too! This blog was started as a way to document projects that I am working on, updates on my family, or just getting out some random thoughts that are floating around my very crowded head.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy checking out my little corner of the internet.

I occasionally receive products to review, and post about. These items are noted with a 'c/o' or 'provided by (company name). In addition, posts may be sponsored, or a small commission may be made via affiliate links. However, all opinions are my own & products are ONLY endorsed if they are truly things I love, would buy or that fit within my style. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.

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