Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was the epitome of perfect fall weather. I'm a summer girl but I'm finding myself, well, falling for fall this year in a big way. Perfect days with my family are definitely making it super easy for me to be crushing on this season.

In the land of perfectly set up edited blog photos (oh hey welcome to my corner of the internet, we don't have that here), facebook, and instagram, it seems like perfect days don't happen if there weren't perfect photos capturing them. But here are some not so great (my camera died on me about three minutes into our trip, thank you for standing by me, iphone) pictures of a spectacular day out with the fam.

We went to a small amusement park where both Moshe and Lily could not get enough of the rides.

Lily said horse for the first time! But then decided she didn't really like sitting on one, and hung out with Daniel on the bench for the rest of the ride.

Pure joy on top of the Ferris Wheel. Makes a mama's heart super happy.

We capped off our perfect weekend with a little spa treatment for Miss Lily Boo. Pedis for toddlers, totally normal right?

Who else is loving this glorious fall?

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