Sunday, December 15, 2013

A First That Didn't Change Much

Lily had her first haircut today! I am of course that mama that gets very emotional and excited by every single "first" my kids do. They are all a big deal to me but that's my personality, things tend to turn into productions around here.

I was looking at old pictures by my parents and couldn't believe I had my first haircut at around a year old. I had so much hair. While Lils looks exactly like me, we clearly don't have the same hair because hers is taking its time coming in. My mom pointed out that trimming her hair could help it grow in nicer so I decided to do just that. And while her first haircut is really just a little trim I had to take the camera with me and go crazy snapping pictures. There is hardly a difference between her before and after but hey it's a first! 

She was so serious during the whole cut. I think she was thrilled it was finally her turn to sit in the car chair after watching Moshe doing it so many times. 

The best after shot I could manage because the Barbies in the store were a huge hit with my Lily Boo.  Like I said, she looks the same but it was a big day anyway.

Who else out there gets all dramatic with their baby's firsts? 

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