Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bow Big or Bow Home

It's my motto.

Bigger is always better, and we now have quite the collection of big bows for the Boo. When Lily started wearing bows every day instead of headbands, I made a bow holder to keep things organized. It's been a little bit over a year now, and we have run out of room in a serious way. Bows were basically living on the dresser and driving me crazy and something needed to be done about it.

The something that needed to happen, happened yesterday when I had a lot more important things to be doing. Anybody else do that? I tend to stop the task at hand, to do something else that I have been pushing off, when really I just need to focus on one thing at a time. We took a little road trip this weekend, and right in the middle of unpacking I decided I couldn't deal with the messy bow situation for another second.

I sorted the bows out by keeping the basic ribbon bows on the original bow holder that I made. (All of the little bows were given to us by a relative who outgrew them, so when Lily was born, we started off our bow collection with every color of the rainbow)

I then gathered my supplies from my stash, because there is nothing better than a free and fast project when really you are supposed to be doing other things like unpacking and laundry.

This DIY is so simple that I may be insulting your intelligence by even bothering to type it up. All you need is some ribbon, a key ring, scissors and glue. At first I was uber lazy and tried using a stapler to do the project, but that didn't exactly work, so I got out the glue gun and heated it up.

Cut the ribbon to your desired length, loop it through the key ring, glue it down and viola. Instant bow holder.

I also glued the bottom of the ribbon, so it would have a nice seam and not unravel over time.

I made two bow holders figuring that in the future I would need more space, and I would save myself all the energy needed to get out the glue gun again, but in the end I needed every inch of both ribbons. #wehaveabowproblem

I already have hooks hanging on the closet in the kid's room for their hats, so I just hung it up by the key ring.

A little bit of organizing, and I had all of the bows hanging up and off the dresser.

So now I have a fully functioning bow organizational corner in Lily's room. It's great to have everything up, so I can see what we have and not end up with two big white bows (Anyone notice that?)

And guys, I obviously finished unpacking. You know. By like midnight. But it's all good.

How are you all organizing your hair stash? Let me know below!


CharnieBarak! said...
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CharnieBarak! said...

Our bows and headbands are currently stashe in a clean out baby wipes box. Criminal I know, but practical and out of the way in a drawer. But I love the display idea so much better! Now I just gotta find a key ring somewhere...

Goldie said...

I have so many key rings I'll give you one! Get a pretty basket for the headbands