Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mini Conversations

... Or Conversations with the Minis. Because they are a pretty funny pair.

After having Lily repeatedly ask to hear Pharell's "Happy" in the car while I'm trying to explain I don't get to control what song is playing, the next song ends up being "Happy" (not such a shock as it is one of the most overplayed songs at the moment.)

Moshe: "I guess the radio listened to Lily."


Lily eating pancakes: "Yum! Me like dis big cookie!"


Moshe: "I need my own room. Lily talks too much, I'm going to sleep on the couch."


Anonymous said...

you should start a twitter feed for them

Goldie said...

Twitter seems to be the only form of social media I am not drawn to. But who knows maybe one day I will.