Monday, June 9, 2014

On Rainy Days, Window Shopping, and Giant Disco Elephants

Today started off like any other Monday that I didn't have to go into work. My brain got all excited at the prospect of not dealing with a case of the Mondays/relaxing/getting my home in order/having a lovely little girl day with Lily. I'm going to ruin my little fantasy by telling myself right now, that none of that actually happens on days off. By midday Lily and I were more than a little stir crazy, and because of the rain, couldn't cure the crazies by going to the park. So we did what any other person in our position would do: Go to Homegoods. (Target is obviously just as good an option but today Homegoods was our drug of choice.)

I rationalized this little Homegoods excursion by saying I was going to look for photo albums. One (ok, I) can never have too many photo albums. After snatching up every album they had (not such a great haul, only three this time) I continued on happily window shopping. Homegoods is really the best place to go to design rooms in your head around all the fun finds in the aisles. When Lily and I were ready to go, we rounded the corner to pay and then we saw this:

My jaw hit the floor.

And here it is from another angle:


Yes people, for a mere $4,000, you too can have a giant disco elephant in your home.

A Homegoods employee happened to pass me and I said, "I'm sorry is someone really going to buy that?"

"Of course! Do you want to?"

No kind Homegoods lady, I do not.

I understand that home decor is all about personal taste. If you love it go for it. After I wrote my little taxidermy post  I had a lot of people ask me if I was serious. It's just really hard for me to wrap my head around having a giant disco elephant in a home. When I got home I searched my best friend, Pinterest for room inspiration featuring large elephants. I figured I would find some amazing room that would totally make me see how having a giant elephant makes sense. Nothing. I then went to my second best friend, Google, because Pinterest obviously didn't want to play. Again, nada.

I love elephants. There are a great design element. There are adorable elephant nurseries out there. There are amazing (small) elephant figurines to be had. There are great gift ideas that have elephants, (like a ring holder which I also saw in Homegoods today) out there. And then there are the giant disco kind. Can you imagine sitting in your living room and telling your guests, "Oh don't mind him, he's just the giant 800 pound elephant in the room."

So please, if you have a chic elephant  who is hanging our in your home, let me know below! I would love to hear about it.

Before I go, here's one more picture from today's trip. The Boo was obviously feeling left out with the elephant getting all the attention and asked me to take a picture of her too. And right before I took it, she leaned down to her doll and said, "Smile Jasmine!"

Man, I love that kid.

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