It's turning into shoe week around here, with the moccasin giveaway, and Moshe's new skill. The kid can tie his shoes! (Insert fist pump here)
I have come to realize that there are so many things adults take for granted and just don't remember how frustrating it was to actually learn how to do. And I am definitely putting tying shoes on that list. I tried to teach him when he was four with the traditional bunny ears method. I realized pretty quickly that he was probably a little too young to grasp how to do it, so we stopped trying. Fast forward almost two years later, and a new pair of kicks with laces and not velcro, and I decided it was time to try again. I tried the whole bunny method thing again and when I saw Moshe's eyes glaze over I remember that I had once upon a time pinned something on Pinterest called Teach Your Child How to Tie Shoes in Five Minutes and decided to give that a try.
When it actually came down to teaching Moshe how to do it, I tweaked the method just a little by having the last three fingers on each hand holding the laces tightly. I also had to show Moshe in much greater detail where you have to grab the laces to make the final bow. So here is my very amateurish video, that will hopefully explain this all better.
I am 98% sure that I don't actually sound that hoarse in person.
Anyway, file this one away under making life easier for your kids. Have any of you used this method? Let me know below!