Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Traditions

This title should really be "Thanksgiving Traditions, But Really This Year Things Are Weird Because It's Thanksgivikkuh Which Won't Happen Again For Another Billion Years And So We Have To Combine As Much Turkey And Jewishness Into This One Night As We Can."

Anyone still here or it took too long to read the title and you got ADD and went away? I totally understand. 

So it's the day before Thanksgiving and I am so excited to start some new traditions with the kiddies tomorrow. We have a few family traditions that we do throughout the year, but last week I decided it was sad that we don't have one for Thanksgiving. Even though we always have a big (both food wise, and the number of extended family wise) Thanksgiving dinner every year, I wanted to institute a little something we can look forward to doing every year with just our little family.  

Tomorrow morning I will be making pumpkin french toast (recipe here) and we will drink hot chocolate while watching the parade. There you go. Nice and easy little tradition. Minimal effort and some cute little memories for us. 

{This is where I was going to insert a hot chocolate related ecard, but they are all too risqué for this little sparkly blog of mine... who knew hot chocolate was so naughty?)

Anyway, I will be spending the afternoon cooking my contribution to my family's Thanksgiving dinner. This whole Thanksgivikkuh phenomenon has me combining a Chanukah favorite, latkes, with my favorite part of Thanksgiving (and fall in general), pumpkin. So I'll be making pumpkin potato latkes (recipe here). It sounds kind of weird at first but I decided how could it be bad? I'm sure my little sous chef will want to help out in the kitchen tomorrow. 

After dinner is over and we all have too much of that sleepy turkey chemical in us, Thanksgiving will be over for me. I don't participate in any Black Friday craziness because I don't have the patience for it. And since Chanukah starts tonight I already shopped for everyone. It's so strange to have our whole holiday season on the same day. 

Happy Chanukah and Happy Thanksgiving to my lovely readers!

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